Exporting Reports
VSI offers several ways to export your data should you want to use it in your own reports and presentation.
On This Page:
To Export Reports to PDF:
Click the Generate PDF link on the top menu bar
Select the reports you’d like to generate. Note that the list is context-specific. If you are in storage reporting, you’ll only see enterprise-level storage reports. If you’d like to export something from Business Units, you should click Business Units in the top menu before clicking the Generate PDF link.
Click OK. It can take several minutes to generate the PDF’s. You’ll see a message reminding you of this.
When your reports are ready, you can access them on the Downloads screen (see below)
To Export Reports to Excel / CSV:
This is done in the customizable data grid.
Navigate to the report where you want to export your data
Click the Wrench. There’s a drop-down there that allows you to click “Export to Excel”
The download is immediate. You don’t need to wait, or go to the downloads screen. Just save the file on your computer.
To Download Generated Reports:
Click the gear icon on the top menu.
Click Downloads. The Downloads screen will present a grid that shows you your queued output jobs and which among them are complete.
Locate the completed export file you’d like to download and click the link to download it.