Setting Up Users
User management requires permissions granted to the Local Admin role. See roles and permissions (below) for details. User management allows you to create, update, disable, and delete users in your organization.
On This Page:
To Create New Users:
Click the gear icon in the top toolbar.
Click Manage Users
Click Add User
Fill out the fields on the form
Click Save
To Reset a User’s Password:
Click the gear icon in the top toolbar and click Manage Users
Search for the user you want to reset. Double click the user’s row to edit.
The password reset is at the bottom of the update form. You can type a new password there and click save.
To Update Existing Users:
Click the gear icon on the top toolbar and select Manage Users
Search for the user you’d like to update
Double click the user’s row in the grid.
Edit the user’s settings on the form
Click Save.
To Disable Existing Users:
Click the gear icon on the top toolbar and select Manage Users
Search for the user you’d like to disable
Double click the user’s row in the grid.
Un-check the Enabled Checkbox
Click Save.
Effectively, the user won’t be able to login to VSI but they’ll still be a user until you delete them.
To Delete Existing Users:
Click the gear icon on the top toolbar and select Manage Users
Search for the user you’d like to update
Click the user’s row to select them.
Click the red delete button at the bottom of the grid.
With great power comes great responsibility. There is no “undo” for this operation.
Roles and Permissions:
The permissions system in VSI is fairly flat. Given most of the application is read-only by nature, we don’t need granular permissions as you’d see in a lot of corporate systems. These are the roles supported in VSI:
Role | What Can They Do? | Notes |
Super User | Everything dangerous and exciting thing possible in the app. | This isn’t you. Try not to take it personally. |
Super User Read Only | Everything except managing users, uploading data or changing any system configurations. | This isn’t you either. We set our non-technical executives up with this permission so they feel special. If you meet with any of them, please don’t tell them they aren’t actual super users. |
Local Admin | Full rights for a particular client organization. This role can upload data, manage account settings, and manage users. | Basically you’re a super user at your company. |
Normal User | They can view all reports, but they can’t manage account settings, users, or uploads. |