The Provisioning report allows you to plan for future capacity or performance needs by application and category with utilization indicates that reflect whether the system is in good standing or whether it requires attention.
Field | What It Means |
Array Name | The name of the array for this line of the report |
Controller Name | The name of the storage controller |
Device Type | Tells you what kind of device we’re looking at |
Data Center | The data center where the array is located |
Category | The category assigned to the array |
Application | The primary application for the array |
Usable | The amount of storage available minus overhead |
Used | The amount of space actually in use |
Allocated | The amount of space allocated |
% Capacity | The percentage of total space (capacity) in use |
% Performance | The performance ratio of actual performance versus threshold |
Constraint | Shows which constraint was triggered (Capacity or Performance) |
Model | The model designation of the array |
Serial Number | The serial number of the array |
Raw | The raw space available on the array including overhead |